Top 10 On TV Right Now

Like me you may miss the artistic violence of The Sopranos, the layered mysteries of Lost or the hilarity of Seinfeld. Those shows will live on forever though, in re-runs and on DVD. However, even though some of the best TV in history is gone that doesn't mean there is nothing to enjoy now. With that, I give you the 10 Best Shows On TV Right Now:
- MAD MEN - I tried to get into this show when it debuted in 2007. I couldn't get past the first two episodes. Three years later, after numerous Emmy awards and raves by friends I decided to give it another shot. I'm glad I did. The show about an advertising firm in the early 60s is truly deserving of the accolades it has been given.
- SONS OF ANARCHY - This show fills the Sopranos void rather nicely. It's the story of a motorcycle gang where the majority of its members are dealing with personal issues and inner demons while trying to stay loyal to the club and make a quick buck. There's violence, action, storyline and heart.
- FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS - It's not a series about a football team. Its a series about a group of people who play and coach football. You don't have to be a sports fan to appreciate this fantastic show.
- BREAKING BAD - Perhaps the finest acting on TV today is showcased on this show. Bryan Cranston masterfully plays Walter White, a teacher turned meth dealer. Aaron Paul plays Jesse, his delinquent former student and now drug partner. These are awful human beings yet you can't help but love them.
- THE WALKING DEAD - So what if it's a show about zombies. It works!
- WEEDS - The funniest show on TV about Nancy Botwin, a single mother who sells marijuana to support her family. This is actually the perfect companion show to the aforementioned Breaking Bad.
- TRUE BLOOD -Vampires, Werewolves and Demons, oh my! It's sexy and, unlike the Twilight Series, not for the kiddies.
- ENTOURAGE -Every show feels like a little party. Fans of this show have been following Vince Chase for seven years now as he and his crew live it up in Hollywood while he pursues his dream of becoming the greatest actor on the planet.
- DEXTER - He's a loving father, a dedicated blood-spatter expert and....a serial killer. It can only end badly for him but we watch anyway.
- RESCUE ME - Yeah, maybe the show about a NYC fire department led by Dennis Leary has worn out its welcome a bit. Yet we still can't turn away. The acting is still great and as the show winds down in preparation for its finale, set to air on the 10-year anniversary of September 11, we can't jump off the truck now.
Do you agree with my list? Did I leave off your favorite show? Is there something out there I should be watching?
E-mail me with questions or suggestions at or leave a comment below
Labels: Dexter, Mad Men, Sons of Anarchy, top 10, TV
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