Top 10 Smartest Dog Breeds

I've been a dog owner for almost two years. I own a five year old Puggle (beagle/pug) named Andy. For the most part he's pretty smart and when he doesn't listen I truly believe it's because he doesn't feel like it. According to a slew of doggie websites here are the top 10 smartest dog breeds. And by smart, I figure they mean easiest to train.
How in the world could they not include Australian Shepherd, right after Border Collie? As a Certified Professional Dog Trainer & Behaviorist, with 26 years experience in animal rescue, I have worked with 100s of dogs and, without a doubt, Australian Shepherds are second only to Border Collies. I agree with Standard Poodles for #3, etc. I would not include Rotties or Labs in the top 10. Perhaps 20 years ago, but unfortunately the breeders have not been producing the dogs they were 20 years ago. Sadly, they seem to have forgotten to breed for brains, along with temperment, conformation, etc. I love all breeds, but as a person who works with dogs every day, I would make those changes to the list.
My Rottie has a vocabulary of over 175 words and commands...and he is just a regular house pet. If I actually tried to spend all my time training him he would be in 4th grade.
I have a puggle too and he definitely has selective hearing! I've taught him plenty of tricks though - he totally decides when he wants to listen to me. So cute though...
When I ask my poodle what sandpaper feels like, he knows the answer..RUFF!
He's so smart!
I think democrats should be in the top 10. They have been trained to vote for big spend politicians. They are very loyal pouches.
I think republicans should know how to spell pooches. Definitely not in the smartest group.
Where does it say Australian Shephered???
I see Australian Cattle Dog!!!!
to Anonymous, without a doubt he would be in the 4th Grade in the Middletown, CT School system. and on high honors.
The Toy Group includes most of the very small and miniature lap dogs and apartment-sized companion dog breeds. Toy dogs play a critical role in the lives of people that live alone and their presence can have beneficial effects on the health of the sick, the elderly and the housebound.
yorkshire terrier
What a wonderful post!! Greta and I just finished a winter class called Fun, Focus and Tricks. One of the main points of the class was building the bond between you and your pet. This would an excellent way to do that hugs. Looking for large dog breeds for families Wondering what large dog breeds are good with kids or would be good for apartments Find out here A complete list of large dog breeds
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