Friday, July 1, 2011

Top 10 Hot Dog Stands in Connecticut according to 'A Connecticut Hot Dog Tour'

Local film maker Mark Kotlinski recently embarked on a hot dog tour to discover some of the most unique hot dog eateries in the state. This list will be featured in his documentary film 'A Connecticut Hot Dog Tour,' airing July 2, at 8 p.m. on the Documentary Channel. For more information about the stands and Kotlinski visit and to read the story on The Middletown Press website.

Here is the list in no particular order:

1) Rawley's Drive-In in Fairfield
2) Glenwood Drive-In in Hamden
3) Wieners on Water in East Haddam
4) Bobby's Place in Old Lyme
5) Frankie's in Waterbury
6) Blackie's Hot Dog Stand in Cheshire
7) Top Dog Hot Dog in Portland
8) Super Duper Weenie in Fairfield
9) The Dawg House in New Britain
10) Capital Lunch in New Britain

If you think a popular CT hot dog stand has been left out, please comment and let us know!