Monday, August 15, 2011

Top 10 Area Fairs

The end of the Summer brings fair season. Here are the Top 10 Local Fairs:

  1. THE BIG E: While technically not "local" this popular fair in Springfield MASS is easily the most popular choice for Connecticut fair goers.
  2. DURHAM FAIR - Sept. 23-25. Held at 24 Town House Road, Durham.
  3. PORTLAND AGRICULTURAL FAIR - Oct. 7-9. Route 17A, Portland.
  4. CHESTER FAIR - Aug. 26-28. Middlesex Turnpike, Chester.
  5. 100th HADDAM NECK FAIR - Sept. 2-5. 6 Quarry Hill Road, Haddam Neck.
  6. HEBRON HARVEST FAIR - Sept. 8-11. 347 Gilead St., Hebron.
  7. BERLIN FAIR - Sept. 30-Oct 1. 430 Beckley Road, East Berlin.
  8. MERIDEN GRANGE FAIR - Sept. 10. 504 Broad St., Meriden.
  9. CHESHIRE GRANGE COMMUNITY FAIR - Sept. 24, 25. 44 Wallingford Road, Cheshire.
  10. WALLINGFORD GRANGE FAIR - Sept. 17. 586 Center St., Wallingford.
For more information on these fairs or events state wide, visit


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